Tartu observatoorium

Engineer Mari Allik will introduce Estonia's Leap into Lunar Exploration

How is the University of Tartu, Tartu Observatory connected to the Moon? Have Estonians been to the Moon? How and for what reason do we want to study the Moon? Our engineer Mari Allik will discuss how Estonians are involved in lunar exploration, the developed Moon cameras, the lunar rover KuuPkulgur, and their journey to the Moon.

While scientific research usually describes cosmic processes through complex formulas, "Starry Night in Tõravere" explains space to the audience in the simplest possible language with many examples.

On clear nights, stars can be observed with a telescope.

You can visit children's corner, Stellaarium, a space mission simulation center (space bunker), and the tower of a large telescope, where visitors can talk to astronomers and space engineers.

Mark attending also to Facebook event.

Participation costs 2€ for individual visitors and 5€ for families.


Ülikooli aulas enne pidulikku kätte andmist on laual doktoridiplomid

Doctoral defence: Sirelin Sillamaa "The role of helicases Hmi1 and lrc3 in yeast mitochondrial DNA maintenance"

Doctoral defence: Sirelin Sillamaa "The role of helicases Hmi1 and lrc3 in yeast mitochondrial DNA maintenance"

On 11 June at 10:15 Sirelin Sillamaa will defend her doctoral thesis “The role of helicases Hmi1 and lrc3 in yeast mitochondrial DNA maintenance“.
Haridus- ja Teadusministeeriumi 2023. aasta keeleteo auhinna üleandmine. Pildil Tartu Ülikooli vivaariumi juhataja Sulev Kuuse ning haridus- ja teadusminister Kristina Kallas.

University textbook “Rakubioloogia” given the 2023 language award by Ministry of Education and Research